On Senter

A message from the heart of our pastor.

November 2022

Jesus said, “My peace I give to you.” He did not mean the kind of peace that the world gives. He did not mean the absence of conflict where there is no problem, no stress or nothing going wrong. Actually, Jesus also said, “In the world you will have trouble, do not fear, I have overcome the world.” In the middle of trials, we can have assurance of God’s care because Jesus has faced it as a man and overcome. We can have His peace. Do your remember the time when Jesus was in the back of the boat asleep and there was a storm? The seasoned fishermen, His disciples, were afraid they were going to sink. They woke Him up saying, “Don’t you care that we are about to perish?” When our hearts are troubled by fear, worry or even anger and we feel no peace, it is a signal that we need to turn our thoughts and hearts to God. A lack of peace is an invitation from God to draw near to Him believing that He will work all things together for good. Our faith in Him and His ability to handle every situation will allow His peace to guard our hearts. Jesus asked the disciples why they had no faith in the storm. He wondered that they had no peace produced by faith. There was no storm in His life. That is why He could sleep while the others feared for their lives. He wants us to trust Him in every circumstance and have no fear. As we trust Him, we find that His peace floods our hearts and drives out the fear, stress and anger. Our being convinced that He loves us leaves no room in our hearts for fear. Be at peace.

Bro. Joe

JESUS, The Way, The Truth, The Life.